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World leaderboard?

QueenCrushOrigin Posts: 1

Level 1

Im on level 2570, where is the world leader board? I would love to check my placement on this game, have been playing for years, since the game came about



  • Baz_James
    Baz_James Posts: 1

    Level 1

    There is no leaderboard for the simple reason that all it could tell you is that there are many thousands of players who have reached the highest available level on their particular platform which as the release of new levels is staggered (as a player at I'm at 2600, for example) is even less useful information. 

  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 12

    Level 2


    Baz is correct, there is no World leaderboard. There are millions and millions of players so it's not possible to capture this information. We might run a promotion from time to time where we will show you your place among a small selection of players but there's no bigger leaderboard sorry!

    Kind regards,


  • Peter_Schmidt
    Peter_Schmidt Posts: 1

    Level 1

    “There are millions and millions of players so it's not possible”

    Um, this seems pretty ridiculous. Can you say “select player where level > 3000”? Or similar... I’m assuming CC understands basic database queries. BTW, had you said “trillions” your comment would have been more believable.

  • Joseph_Shillingf
    Joseph_Shillingf Posts: 1

    Level 1

    “There are millions and millions of players so it's not possible”

    Um, this seems pretty ridiculous. Can you say “select player where level > 3000”? Or similar... I’m assuming CC understands basic database queries. BTW, had you said “trillions” your comment would have been more believable.

    Made a mistake in tapping oops sorry
  • Adelbertstar
    Adelbertstar Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have reached level 3680, anyone who is at this level or higher than this.

  • Pansare_Dilip
    Pansare_Dilip Posts: 1

    Level 1

    My friend mangesh khomane reached level 3813, anyone who is at this level or higher than this.

  • Jay_Smerdon
    Jay_Smerdon Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I'm on level 3813 and have been stuck on it for a while. Am getting fed up with it now.

  • SiraajEbrahim
    SiraajEbrahim Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Im on level 4002 currently
    I have previously reached the top levels where I had to wait for new levels as it was under construction 
    Then they got so difficult I fell behind . Anyway I feel with all the technology we have at our fingertips we could definitely have a world leaderboard 
    At least then the players would have an idea of how Far they really are in comparison with others around the world. Ultimately we are people who are competitive in life. World leaderboard would bring candy crush to a whole new level . Youd have people spending more money on buying gold and boosters to gain top spot IN THE WORLD!
  • McAbdul
    McAbdul Posts: 1

    Level 1

    stuck here...

  • pirettan
    pirettan Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited February 2019
    im at level 4619, anyone who is higher than me is a robot. i also never seen anybody higher than me before. tell me if there is

  • maju
    maju Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I’m on level 4199.
  • lagueranyc
    lagueranyc Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited March 2019
    I am on stage 4284 on Candy Crush for iPhone. There is nobody ahead of me. I have not signed in with my Facebook, so I would be able to see if anybody was ahead of me. Anybody claiming they’re further ahead is lying. I have never spent any money on this game, I have passed every single stage on my own merits.
  • mgonzalo66
    mgonzalo66 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    As of today (March 25, 2019), I am on level 4450.  There are 4 episodes left to get to the “end” plus the ten in my current episode.  So the total number of episodes right now on my iPhone is 4450+10+15*4=4520.

    I’ve been playing for about 6 years.  My wife has said I’m addicted to this game (maybe so), but she finally decided to play too.  Now she’s completing more levels than I am on a weekly basis!  i actually wish CC would stop producing new episodes every Wednesday so I can get to the end and play something else!  :).  It’s been fun, but I’m ready to quit.
  • lagueranyc
    lagueranyc Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited March 2019
    Simply not true. There was only person ahead of me at one point, and I passed them many games ago. There is nobody ahead of me.
  • mgonzalo66
    mgonzalo66 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    How come CC took away the ability to Build a Bot from any level rather than only from the highest level completed?  This has slowed down my level completion frequency dramatically.