Fire&Ice is open again after a long time. Only 1 spot left! We are a full team of 12 (11 now), come join if you are an active player and just want to play for fun. No rules! It’s always open for public, so you can join anytime, unless it’s full. See you there! Fire and Ice. Teamcode: 295287565 Btw, we are a quiet and…
Fire&Ice is open again. Only 1 spot left this time! We are a full team of 12 (11 now), come join if you are an active player and play for fun. It’s always open for public, so you can join anytime, unless it’s full. See you there! Fire and Ice. Teamcode: 295287565 Btw, we have an awesome team with active players ????
Ive made some room for more active players. Fire&Ice has 2 spots left now. It’s always open for public, so you can join anytime, unless it’s full. See you there! Fire and Ice. Teamcode: 295287565 Btw, we have an awesome team with active players ????
In case anyone wants to join a team. Fire&Ice has 1 spot left. It’s always open for public, so you can join anytime, unless it’s full. See you there! Fire and Ice. Teamcode: 295287565 As you can see we have an awesome team with active players ????
@Nix66 LOl, I'm surprised too with how fast we gain points haha. We usually complete the whole race in just a few days. Just an awesome team with wonderful players :) @Crazyforfun There's still 1 spot open. Feel free to join the team. It's always open for the public unless it's full. Everybody is welcome to join :)
Wooosh. Welcome to our team! We have a bunch of awesome players. I'm Winterella there :) There might be a spot open soon, since 1 player haven't played in awhile.
Awww Elena, I didn't knew you created a thread dedicated to me LOL. Glad you like our team too! We are lucky we have active players in our team. And thanks for your points contribution too. I always try my best to help out our squad too. I love that we always reach the end goal so fast each race :D
Hi guys, my team: Fire and Ice is still open for new members. We have 11 active members atm. There's 1 spot left :) Feel free to join! See you there! Fire and Ice. Teamcode: 295287565
Late reply. But I'm so happy you joined our team. Now we're complete. I think we're doing pretty well, we've managed to reached our end goal way before the deadline each time. Btw, my name there is Winterella ????