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  • Re: Don't be shy and say Hi!

    Hey @jessibugs32 and @Pambaker, Welcome to the Candy Crush Soda Saga Commnunity! We are always excited to see new players coming onboard. I've added both your comments to this thread, but always feel…
  • Re: Don't be shy and say Hi!

    Welcome on board @SodaGuru ! Excited to have a Guru and a veteran here with us! Please don't hesitate to share your expertise with others whether it is as feedback under Discussions, as fun or intere…
  • Re: Don't be shy and say Hi!

    Hey @mysticalmysty , This is great!! Welcome onboard and I hope you enjoy yourself here in the Soda Community! Blossom blast is also a great game so I'm sure you are also having an amazing time over…
  • Welcome to Soda Teams! (read before posting)

    No account yet? Sign up here to participate! Hi all, Welcome to this exciting and brand new section of our Community! If you are here, it can only mean three things: You found Teams in your game, hav…
  • Re: Don't be shy and say Hi!

    So many new people and so many interesting stories and places you all come from! That's the beauty of our game, it has players from all around the world sharing the same passion while having complete…

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