How-to use the Community site: - View and update your profile - Change/update your notification preferences - Update your avatar - Post on the Community - Add smiley and images/screenshot to your pos…
Great to have you around @Aphrodite_JULIA! Your only game of the Candy Franchise that is missing is Candy Crush Jelly Saga. Out of the ones you mention you play, which one is your favourite? Cheers a…
Loving the introductions and the variety of people coming in! This is what I love about our games, they reach to people of all kinds and you are all more than welcome! In the end, we are all just try…
Hi @JeannieWally , Welcome to the Soda Community! You are our first poster so far here! Although, like you said, the more Soda Crushers the merrier! I look forward to seeing you around :awesome: Hey…
No account yet? Sign up here to participate! Hi all, Welcome to this exciting and brand new section of our Community! If you are here, it can only mean three things: You found Teams in your game, hav…