

  • Hello Sodalicious people! Introducing our new "Don't be shy and introduce yourself HERE! " ????
  • Hello everyone! Welcome to our Community ???? @Racoon7 and @abdallhali happy to see you guys here too even if you are no newbies to the Community ???? If you guys need help remember you can always post your question and tag one of our wonderful Soda Moderators to help you out (@Nix66 @Yosca or @Origins7_Dale ) And if you…
  • Hello everyone! Welcome to our Sodalicous Community! @Marthy and @ziea and all the newbies! @SlayerJohn HERE you will find the Support Area @dreamt easy! You just need to play and Beat the Score proposed HERE
  • Hello everyone! @ChloeTran @dannyalvaro @Markeolynn_914 and @sami_sam Welcome to our Sodalicious Community! @dannyalvaro I take you are from Spain, right? That sentence, although in Spanish, can only be heard in Spain ???? Please, notice, though, that we speak in English in this Community. @Markeolynn_914 check our Roadmap…
  • Hello everyone and Welcome to our Sodalicious Community! We have been waiting for you to join us! Community means feedback, friends, support and also fun! And since we are talking about fun, why don't you guys check our fun competitions where you can also win some shiny prizes? HERE you will find our Spring Soda Games,…
  • Hello everyone! Welcome @Angeliafb @MommaMary5 and @haasemaus to our Sodalicious Community! We were waiting for you! ???? @haasemaus please, notice that in this Community we speak English since we have players from across the world. If you want to speak in German, though, head over HERE to the German Corner ???? You'll…
  • Hello everyone and welcome to our Sodalicious Community! As our Sweet Superstar @kiara_wael comments, do you want to win some shiny GB and have some fun? Then head over HERE and write a love letter to Olivia for a chance to win 30 GB! You have one week to submit your letter! ????
  • Hello everyone! Welcome @MarisaRosales and @gem_gem86 to our Sodalicious Community! ???? If you want to win Gold Bars, the best way to do it is by going over HERE (Win Prizes- Fun Area) ! You'll have lots of fun, get a chance to win Gold Bars and make some new friends around, ????
  • Hello Soda Crushers! Welcome to the Community, @sexylady69 @PearlSierra @JSimpson4 @dawnni01 @mandyboss @AH1 , and all other New Bees in the forum! We're glad you found your way into the Sodalicious Community- we were waiting for you! ???? You'll have lots of fun and you'll make some new friends around, you'll see. Now…
  • Hello everyone and Happy New Year to all of you!????

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