Test title 137
Test body for categoryID : 137
How do I get some farm heroes saga friends please I only seem to have 1 ! Nobody loves me ! ????
Connection lost
I get this all the time on the iPhone, can't save my game progress, can't sign into the account, can't progress the game So annoying, that I tempted to uninstall the game but will lose my progress level 742
Boa tarde! Estou no level 5.578 faz um mês e não estou conseguindo passar , alguém pode me ajudar ?????
Spending Beans
Hi there!! I'm very new to this community..but can someone please explain to me how to spend the beans on boosters..I know u can on rancid but I read online that u can buy boosters as well w/ them...if so plz help
How do I change password on Computer so my phone can be played on same level?
I have tried several times to change my password because I do not remember what I made it originally. I am only on level 28... But if I dont have to start over at level 1 I dont want to have to. I have confirmed my email address and have gotten all the email, but it does not confirm my new password.
come faccio ad accedere ai giochi?
dopo un anno di pausa vorrei riprendere a giocare ma non riesco a capire dove devo cliccare per accedere ai giochi
Why i can't get to play farm heroes saga from my phone
Level 1615
I've played this level 100 times and I cannot get it will not give me enough carrots no matter what I do is there any way to win this level
My score
I am the very first one on the top list I am so proud of myself for getting a score of nine digits