Bonjour, je suis un nouveau joueur, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît
Bonjour, je suis un nouveau joueur, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît
Create friends through all your Kings games
Please create a King's Games community to help us connect outside of Facebook. At least generate random friends based on who is currently playing. Not long forgotten accounts. I need more lives! The struggle is real.
New phone, account won't transfer
I got a new phone & I've been trying to play my king games where I left off but whenever I try to login it says there's no account associated with my email so I can't just reset my pw either... PLEASE HELP
How to connect facebook account with king account @PummyRaj .plzzzzzz Help
Haw income candy crush
Haw to income in candy crush After level 5000 complete
Level 2523 missing ice blocks
According to the game there should be 8 blocks to clear but there are only 6! What’s going on?
Level 3570 help
Please help me. I've been stuck at level 3570 for ages. the two butterflies in the top corners just can't be done. not even with boosters. I need urgent help. otherwise I have to give up the game
Level 160
I see in 2021 someone was having the same issue as I am having. The acorns will not move up no matter how many matches I make right above them. Back then it was an update. It's now 2023 and obviously I've had to have multiple updates. So please without telling me to match above the acorns, which isn't working, how do I get…
Locked boosters
Why are my boosters locked? I can't progress or access my boosters that I have earned! Please help me.
Edited by CM: ???? Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand
* *Edited by CM: ???? Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules